The principle behind this rule is that what is proposed is exactly what is accepted and then written by contract to reflect that. It is also known as the “absolute acceptance” rule, which means that specific terms are offered, the exact conditions are accepted to establish a contract. Bilateral contracts are only entered into if the bidder makes a promise to meet the supplier`s requirements. Unilateral contracts are executed when the bidder acts only in accordance with the supplier`s requirements. In a unilateral contract, the bidder is not required to perform this act, but if he decides to do so, the bidder is bound by the contract. If you generally know how these rules work, you`ll gain more confidence in negotiating and managing your contracts to reach an agreement faster! This rule is also important because the law considers that a person is legally bound by the terms of the contract if that person intended to be bound by those conditions. The reflection rule is a doctrine of contract law that provides that a bidder`s offer must be accepted accurately and without amendment by the bidder, so that there is an enforceable contract. The reason behind the rule is that a supplier is the master of its own offer and that any attempt by the bidder to accept the offer on different terms does not create an opposable contract, but constitutes a rejection of the initial bid by the bidder and a counter-offer to the bidder. Well, let`s say you want to sell your home, but an interested party asks you, the seller, to pay for an inspection before they advance on the purchase. The buyer did not accept the exact offer, but proposed new terms in return, so the reflection rule was not applied.

This rule may seem obvious, so why is it important? Indeed, no party is liable if conditions as proposed are not accepted. In general, there is no fundamental breach of contract if you do not return to the original terms and decide to leave. If the offer is accepted, the reflection rule applies and a contract is legally concluded.